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Quantum - Water Primer Dechlorinator

Quantum - Water Primer Dechlorinator

Regular price £13.99
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Removes/Detoxifies Chlorine, Chloramine, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate & Heavy Metals.

For Freshwater & Saltwater Use

Water Primer™ is designed to remove/detoxify Ammonia, Chlorine, Chloramine, Nitrite, Nitrate & Heavy Metals that may cause harm to your aquarium.

Chlorine & Chloramine present in tap water, while Ammonia, Nitrate & Nitrate are by-products from fish waste and organic decay. These can cause harm and even death to your aquarium’s inhabitants at high concentrations.

Water Primer™ renders tap water safe for use in aquariums and can potentially save your aquarium from a wipeout due to an ammonia or nitrite spike.


–Deionised Water

– Blend of Ammonia, Chlorine, Chloramine, Nitrite, Nitrate & Heavy Metal removing/detoxifying salt.


Shaking is not required, however, if product has been left standing for a length of time invert bottle 3-4 times before using. For dosing directly into the aquarium – we recommend diluting with your aquarium water first, then slowly adding into high flow. For dosing into water change container – we recommend adding slowly while mixing then continue water change as usual.


Add 5mL/300L (79 gal) of tap water. If Chlorine/Chloramine levels are high, then a double dose may be used.
Add up to 25mL/300L (79 gal) of aquarium water in case of emergency such as an ammonia or nitrite spike due to an inhabitant death, pH swing or other major parameter swing.

Note: 1 capful = ~10mL.

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